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Facilitating sustainable, long-term enhancement of learning and teaching in WA universities.

Getting Started in SoTL

Embedding SoTL into your educational practice

The West Australian Network for Dissemination (WAND) invites you to attend two linked workshops on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). The first workshop is designed to help you to embed SoTL into your educational practice and develop a SoTL action plan. The second workshop will help you develop your SoTL writing practice. Booking information for Workshop One is provided below.

Workshop Two (to be held on August 27th, 2018) will be advertised separately. You will achieve maximum benefit by attending both sessions as there is an expectation that the action plan developed in the first will be worked on prior to Workshop Two.

Workshop One will be led by Dr. David McConnell (Curtin Learning and Teaching), Dr. Helen Flavell, Associate Professor Lynne Roberts, and Ms. Brooke Sanderson (from the Faculty of Health Sciences, Curtin University). All are experienced leaders in scholarship and higher education research. Workshop One will support you to:

• Develop strategies for managing competing demands to enable SoTL

• Work through strategies to embed SoTL into your practice

• Consider how to build a career in SoTL

• Build on your present experiences in SoTL, and plan for the next steps

• Leave the workshop with a concrete SoTL action plan

• Connect with a peer-coaching group to help maintain focus and momentum.

Further information: Please contact Linda Lilly via email at [email protected] or by telephone on 9266 2123 if you have any dietary or accessibility requirements. 

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