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Facilitating sustainable, long-term enhancement of learning and teaching in WA universities.

WAND Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Workshop: Writing for Publication

The focus of this workshop will be SoTL writing with the aim of completing an abstract.

Intended audience: those who participated in the first workshop and anyone who intends to complete an abstract in an identified SoTL topic.

The focus of workshop two will be SoTL writing with the aim of completing an abstract.  In recognition that people are at different stages of a SoTL project, the abstract may be for an initial research proposal or a journal article. Those planning to attend will be asked to complete a survey late-June to identify their SoTL topic (hopefully shaped through workshop one) and highlight key issues relating to SoTL writing. For example, the workshop can explore the kinds of voices SoTL authors use, identifying an audience, getting started, translating initial thoughts into finished writing and overcoming internal resistance to writing and revising.

Date:Tuesday 28thAugust 2018

Registration and tea/coffee:9.30 am

Start:  9.45am. Welcome to WAND and introduction to the workshop, David McConnell

Workshop:10.00am – 2.00pm. Includes an hour for lunch for networking and building relationships to facilitate collaboration and peer writing support. Light lunch provided.

Venue:460.2.031 Postgrad Teaching Space, Murdoch University, South Street Campus

Campus map:

Workshop facilitated by Dr Sally Knowles, Dr Helen Flavell 

Dr Sally Knowlesis a Research Development Advisor with the Office of Research and Innovation at ECU where she assists researchers with their grant submissions and the provision of professional development. Sally’s work has entailed creating cross-faculty research/writing communities and she has extensive experience in facilitating writing retreats. She is currently an Associate Editor for Higher Education Research & Development (HERD).  

Dr Helen Flavellis a Senior Lecturer and the Coordinator of the SoTL in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Curtin University. Helen had to reimagine herself as a SoTL scholar—her original disciplinary training is in literature and cultural studies—and for the last decade has been engaged in education research and Office for Learning and Teaching projects. She has published in a range of SoTL fields including academic leadership, intercultural capability development, workforce reshaping and interprofessional education.

Dr David McConnell is a Senior Learning Consultant in Curtin Learning and Teaching at Curtin University.  He supports staff in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, including developing applications for learning and teaching awards and grants, and Peer Review of Educational Practice (PREP). David has held several senior and professorial appointments at UK universities, and recently worked at Charles Darwin University in the Office of Learning and Teaching. He is a researcher and practitioner of networked online learning and teaching, and has published extensively in academic journals and written several books.

Participants do not need to have attended workshop 1. to attend this workshop

Further information, dietary or accessibility requirements:
Please contact Denyse MacNish [email protected]or phone 9360 7315