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Facilitating sustainable, long-term enhancement of learning and teaching in WA universities.

Understanding and Supporting Organisational Change with the e-Learning Maturity Model

Stephen Marshall, Victoria University of Wellington
9.30am at Murdoch University Library North 4.040


The E-Learning Maturity Model (eMM) is an organisational benchmarking tool used to explore how universities are engaging with technology for learning and teaching. Developed over the last ten years through a series of projects conducted in New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, the eMM provides a quality improvement framework by which institutions can assess and compare their capability to sustainably develop, deploy, and support e-learning. This seminar will introduce the key ideas behind the eMM and illustrate the impact that this approach can have through case studies drawn from the research conducted over the past decade.

Presenter Bio

Dr Stephen Marshall is Senior Lect
urer in Educational Technology at the Victoria University of Wellington Centre for Academic Development. Stephen is Vice President of the Australasian Council on Open and Distance Education and a member of the New Zealand Government Tertiary E-Learning Reference Group. Stephen researches in the areas of e-learning benchmarking, plagiarism and academic integrity, intellectual property and the of development of policy and strategy to support and encourage the effective use of technology. He is co-creator of the internationally recognised and applied e-learning maturity model (eMM,